Lost, Abandoned or Stolen Bikes
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Department of Public Safety personnel will inventory and impound bicycles in the student housing areas during May of each year, and in the academic areas during August. Impounded bicycles will be held at the Department of Public Safety for a minimum of six months and then sold at the joint Carbondale/SIU auctions held in May and December of each year.
Report the theft to the Campus Police: (618)453-3771 or Carbondale Police: (618)457-3200 depending on where it was stolen. Then report it to Saluki Spokes
- Bike Watch Announcement Service by emailing the picture and recorded information to craftshp@siu.edu or Bike Watch on Facebook.
Saluki Spokes will contact all members of Bike Watch with a posting containing all information.
Members help get the word out and help look for your bike.
When found, the owners will be contacted. The owner of the bike may need to call Campus Police or Carbondale Police to retrieve the bike.
Claim a bike
The owner of the bike may need to call Campus Police or Carbondale Police to retrieve the bike
Campus Police
City of Carbondale Police