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bicycle registration


All bicycles parked on campus are required to be registered, either by SIU or by the City of Carbondale.

Why register?

Registering your bicycle aids the Department of Public Safety and local law enforcement agencies with the recovery of your bicycle in the event of loss or theft.

How to register?

SIU Parking Division registers bicycles for students and staff for free. You must bring your bicycle along with your student/staff ID to our office to complete the registration process. You can complete a registration form at Parking Division when you bring your bicycle and student/staff ID to obtain your decal.

Required bike equipment

Before coming to Parking Division, please check your bicycle for the following safety equipment. Parking Division cannot register any bicycles without the following required equipment:

  • Reflectors on each pedal
  • Side reflectors
  • Front and rear reflectors
  • From sunset to sunrise, front white lamp and rear red lamp or reflectors are required